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Insights & Knowledge...

S2 E6: Inclusive Leadership with Mark Webb
Being a change leader is all about creating the right environment for those impacted by change to feel like the change is achievable....

S2 E5: Embracing Conflict in Change with Olivia Chalmers
How often do you experience confrontation in your work? My guess is not often enough. As our latest guest, Olivia Chalmers highlights...

S2 E4: Agile Change Leadership with Melanie Franklin
One of the most fundamental roles a change manager undertakes is to keep the expectations of those impacted by change “managed”. By...

S2 E3: Leadership, Management & Projects with Susie Palmer-Trew
Analogies are really powerful ways for us to explain complicated ideas without the need to labour some of the finer and more intricate...

S2 E2: Leadership - Changing Right with Tom Mitchell
However you want to measure it, there is no doubt that leaders within organisations often deliver change suboptimally both for the...

S2 E1: Leadership - The Human Edge with Greg Orme
The terms Leadership and Management appear too often to be used interchangeably when talking about the act of motivating employees. But...

Reflections from Season 1 with Ket & Joe
As I look back on the season and the topics we have covered I start to see change in general as a system of principles, behaviours and...

Episode 7: "Emotional Insights" with Zoe Hawkins
Without a shadow of doubt, one of the most challenging aspects of navigating change is the range of emotions we experience or find...

Episode 6: "Starting to Change" - Lyam-Richard Crosdale
For as many years as I can remember, change management has been on the outside looking in when it comes to business projects. Whether its...

Get Seen, Get Heard, Get Hired | 6 Tips to Revolutionising Your CV
TLDR CV Checklist (Full Article Below): ✔️ Your experience should be narrated focusing on your achievements rather than just your daily...

Episode 5: "Space for Contemplation" - Jindy Mann
Where do you do your best thinking? Do you create time for it in your day or does it just happen on the spare of the moment? Do you even...

Episode 4: "Changing the Language" - Rich Lewis
Change is all about aligning and supporting people as to what is coming and probably more crucially how it specifically affects them. For...

Episode 3: Disrupting Change - Lucy Trueman
It is probably fair to say that most people who are impacted by organisational change often feel it is something that can only happen...

Episode 2: Connecting the Dots - Perses Sethna
Many organisations and leaders will say collaboration and alignment are important to the successful implementation of business strategy,...

Line Managers - Linchpins of Change
Somewhere in your organisation are a group of individuals that keep your business running. They keep customers happy, swiftly deal with...

Organisational Change - Forming New Habits and How to Keep them
Wednesday 9th January, a few days ahead of ‘Quitters’ day – the day an overwhelming number of people globally give up on their new year’s...

Unravelling Change Training & Assessment: It's Complicated! ... or is it?
As a seasoned Project Management professional that moved into Change Management, I often get asked what the right way to upskill change...

Resilient and Reflective? Managing Change is for you!
Over the course of the past fortnight the Change Management Institute in partnership with Kite Change have been holding events to launch...

How to Write a Killer CV - A Guide for Change Practitioners
I've had a lot of people in my network reach out to me asking for help creating a great CV. I thought I'd share a few tips with everyone...

Diversity & Inclusion in Business: Diversity of Thought
Having a diverse workforce doesn’t mean just hiring people from various backgrounds, as diversity in the workplace can go beyond the...

Diversity & Inclusion in Business: Delivering Sustainable Change
Organisations are finally starting to recognise the value of having a diverse & inclusive workforce, transformation programmes of this...

Managing Self - Agile Techniques for Post-Pandemic Productivity
Just a few months ago, the vast majority of corporate workers were in a physical office for the full 5-day working week – a manager in...
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